This was


the N.C. State Imageboard
(March 2017 ~ May 2020)
should i go for an abm in computer science? dunno how i would pay for it. already csc major.
What is your favorite emoticon?
I like ~(_8^(I)
It means "D'oh!
Which season is the thinking man's season?
This is the designated database thread. Please GROUP yourselves here so we can wack off about databases; if you do not like databases plz [spoiler]DELETE[/spoiler] yourself
wtf this is bullshit you can't just take chunks of fish and call it sashimi

like wtf this is a whole fillet
hows everyone doing tonight?
The professor says "5 minutes left on your exam"

How fucked are you?
post cute things your professors say!
Who was in the wrong?
The nigga that dont know much dont grow much
Post your best snaps from around campus

this is the court of the carolinas obv. I think this was the last day of class last semester
Post your Harvest Moon waifu
I like Nami, the red-head girl!
High Society & Caviar
Cigars & leather-bound books

The Doujinshi Thread, post what you got
Astolfo is a miracle
it's so fucking hot
uni ac units a shit send halp
haha I did it!
I read every single book in the library!
I've even read every sign, every sticker, everything in the library!
What is the best song BPM [spoiler]and why is it 100BPM?[/spoiler]
>150BPM is nightcore+hardstyle bro-tier beats

over 200 is fine because it's like a double-time 100; unless ofc it kicks on every beat, that's probably speedcore
In this thread, we will conduct the purest form of rational discourse.
How the fuck can physics be real if infinity isn't real?

Lmao @ """"scientists"""" that """study""" perfectly spherical cows on infinitely thin 2d planes.
Friendly reminder that 2hu and initial-D are classical masterpieces in their own right, perhaps even surpassing the creativity of Mozart and Bach.
What are you /koding/, swt?

General programming and software discussion goes here!
It's YYS!