Hello friends, It is a pleasure to say that the big-boy site that I run (https://bm.howler.space) and develop constantly will be holding an open-house event for the next month, where you can tour around the site and use all the features and sign-up if it's your kind of place
At https://bm.howler.space, you can • Have an e-mail account (name@howler.space) • Have access to all of our dragon ball z, tv, and kung-fu films • Skim through the lecture notes that I keep up-to-date every week • Wack off about your favorite japanese characters on hooYa, the in-house booru • Wack off acout statistics about your favorite japanese characters on hooYa metrics • Check server info about the computer that runs all of this!
Unfortunately, our 8 terabytes of storage are off-line; they will be back up in a few weeks, so that means you cannot see all of our dragon ball z yet! I look forward to having more friends around!
Hi /ncsu/, Do you have to use a computer for school? Like ,what kind of things do you do on the daily for class & stuff that you need softwares for??
I use Matlab every other week or so for projects; one of the silliest things I had to use was a java virtual machine that runs the imaginary LC3 architecture for ECE109 Otherwise, I like to [spoiler]code[/spoiler] on my computer [spoiler]fucking help me~[/spoiler]
the views expressed here may but do not necesarily conclude with the views of any individual at the university. any coincidence is purely coincidental and should not be taken uncoincidentaly
What do you do on the weeknd? There's a cute little bar downtown with a DDR machine downtown that I'd like to visit again There's a lot to do in Raleigh but campus is really sleepy on the weeknds
Like, when you're done with one thing and waiting on the next, is there a place you hang around? I'm always sitting around one of the engoneering buildings because almost all of my classes are on the other main campus
How do we reconcile Stirners concept of the Spook and Nietzsches promulgation that metaphysical ethic/morality must come from within?
Whats the way to measure these individual ethics? Is there such a way? Was Nietzsche right? Is Will and power the only way to differentiate between these ethics?
Hi /ncsu/, I just finished taking a test that I barely finished taking a test that I barely finished taking a test that I barely finished with enough time to finish taking the test that I barely finished in time to finish
Reminder that the first Neon Genesis Evangelion thread here reached 500+ posts, was started in April, and was originally on >>>/swt/ but had to be moved because it got very lewd very fast