This was


the N.C. State Imageboard
(March 2017 ~ May 2020)
Snow day when?
Did you feel it? That was the wave of people getting locked out of their accounts because they didn't sign up for 2FA
I don't think _everyone_ is required [spoiler]yet[/spoiler]

Have you / will you sign up and link your phone with the N.C. State botnet?
This theme is pretty spooky
I mentioned this at the wings meetup, but I wanted to organize a board game meetup
It'll be 3-6 hours in one of the libraries and hopefully we'll play the games
Tell me what days and times you can do. I can't do this week (and probably not next week either).
How do you feel about the student newspapers?
I've been reading some of the older copies and I like the formatting and advertising content a lot more
This is the set list thread, where you can see the latest things we have over at the always-lovely sister site

If you have any requests, post them here; set lists are posted with the day we index them
Post 'em if you got 'em
Please do not post other people's desktops

Come as you are~
It's over
The protag was unlikeable
most girls were mediocre
but there were a few good ones
and it provided me with 3 weeks of clicking
Why does ncsu not have a collective grade reporting system?
I mean all the teachers have to report the grades anyways or at least keep track of them right?
Why can't we see those grades? We had that in highschool!
Is live, accurate grade reporting too much to ask?
Also why is the current system in like 3 different sites?
Get your act together ncsu!
Hello /swt/, this is the late night thread
Officially, we're only open from 11PM - 5AM

Post what you're doing / working on here!
I feel like there should be a prize awarded for this
Everywhere is kind of mediocre.
But somewhere has to be less mediocre than the rest, right?
[painful sigh]
What is this shitty bargain brand four chan
Thirty minutes in the doctor's waiting room
What's everyone around here doing for halloween? I don't know of anything cool that State does for the 31st
Asking on /swt/ because it kind of fits the theme of the no-theme board

Do you watch any dragon ball z?
// fucing a-n-i-m-e
Fuck this word improver
With my brains and your brawn. . .

Post your cutest monsters and NPCs and mute main characters
It flip
Friendly window possum
Where can religiosity come from in our world? Many(myself included) find no solace in modern american protestantism. Will new forms need to be created, or emerge? Will we need to dig even deeper into the past to find religious meaning?

All is one and one is all, but what form should this take? post-modernity has returned all to nothing, now that the slate is, by definition clear, how do we reconstitute spirituality for our contemporaries?
I like the girls a lot, even though I've never played it much