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File: 1509110439764.png -(147449 B, 1565x1633) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
147449 No.5815  
Why does ncsu not have a collective grade reporting system?
I mean all the teachers have to report the grades anyways or at least keep track of them right?
Why can't we see those grades? We had that in highschool!
Is live, accurate grade reporting too much to ask?
Also why is the current system in like 3 different sites?
Get your act together ncsu!
>> No.5817  
Keeping track of your grades is your responsibility :^)
>> No.5821  
File: 1509120974085.png -(19587 B, 849x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>Keeping track of your grades is your responsibility :^)
>> No.5822  
File: 1509121010789.png -(46677 B, 1031x408) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
whoops, wrong pic.
>I mean all the teachers have to report the grades anyways or at least keep track of them right?
>Is live, accurate grade reporting too much to ask?
yes, it is. i've been around moodle for a long time, and ive spoken to a lot of teachers about it (or rather, listened to teachers complain about it). there's a lot of stupid configuration shit that they have to do to get it just right, and most of them just can't into computers. moodle REALLY hates extra credit, for example, and there's some weird shit they have to do to get grades to accurately report 105/100 or some shit (maybe this has been fixed in recent versions).

professors i've had in the past just keep an excel document or something with all the grades in it, and every so often update moodle with the actual grades. i think some professors prefer wolfware classic because it's easier to incorporate automatic grading? not sure on that though. it might just be easier to import data from a spreadsheet on wolfware classic than it is on moodle (i hear that's a bitch, too).
>> No.5823  
I'm a TA
Moodle's grade system is fucking horrible. Wolfware classic's is even worse
And if your class doesn't use an online portion, it's a lot to expect professors to go out of their way to give you your scores
>> No.5825  
>keeping track of your grades
I just kind of careen through the semester and hope for the best.
The Moodle system is just so... poorly implemented.
I feel like Moodle sites are alright, but the amount of freedom profs have in designing their moodle sites makes for some really silly inconsistencies.
The gradebook in moodle might as well be the fucking Lost Ark because that shit is IMPOSSIBLE to find. The real pain in the ass is that some profs post grades on moodle, but dont make the link available on their main page, and other profs DONT grade on moodle, but leave those links sitting there pointing to nothing at all. I just wish the university was a little more consistent with what they require profs to use moodle for. Its gotten to the point that I just calculate my grade manually whenever I get curious.
>> No.5826  
just stop worrying about your grades lmao
like cover your eyes
you can't have anxiety if you aren't worrying
>> No.5835  
>> No.5885  
do not pass go, do not collect $200 go straight to [spoiler]the drop-out zone[/spoiler]
desu I always worry some about my grades; it's healthy in some doses but just don't let it consume you or anything
some of my professors would swear by wolfware classic. This year they forced my EE301 professor to switch and he

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