Hello friends You may have noticed that all of howler's core service were down this morning. Or maybe you didn't. In either case, we're on-line again
The problem is that the campus IP lease from last year rolled over last night at 00:20; the problem has been solved as of 5 minutes ago
You can be assured that your imageboard will never die; if we're ever down for some time, it won't be for long. I won't let anybody or anything keep us down for very long
What do you think of the student media around campus (things like the Technician, Nubian Message & things)?
I just noticed this comic in the Technician and I think it's really cute! http://www.technicianonline.com/opinion/image_6cc86b62-8df9-11e7-8b79-8311106dea8e.html
Hello /nu/! Welcome to the art gallery ~ Here is the place to post cute non-lewd ; there is already a place to cute lewd and it's over at >>>/yu/ /nu/ is not /yu/ so if you're ever in doubt, post it over there
The rules of /nu/ are as follows: 1. No 3D 2. Mandatory fun!
I would like to make a case for KD who just plays more efficient for a whole season and who could dominate a game like Lebron if he wanted to. Best one on one player in NBA no doubt. Better defensive numbers on a warriors team who has no post defense. The only thing he is missing compared to Lebron is passing. He is bound to win the championship this year and probably next year to tie himself with Lebron in terms of championships and Lebron is on the decline and will have to play more meaningful minutes as he makes up for the defensive faults of IT. Lebron will be gassed by the playoffs. And will have little energy in the finals as the conference finals against the celtics is going to be more of a challenge than last year. I see KD becoming even more efficient this year and be able to offer more assists as the team chemistry continues to develop. He will be unstoppable 1-on-1.
Discuss Marxism, why do people think Bernie had any chance of implementing socialism in a abhornetly Capitalistic society? Free is more taxes, how do people not think this through?