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File: 1569989713704.jpg -(76487 B, 640x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
76487 No.9849  

it's wednesday my dudes, how has the week been so far?

>> No.9850  
File: 1570023880702.jpg -(724259 B, 2508x3474) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

just a regular week
lots of coffee

>> No.9851  
File: 1570049106855.jpg -(1172862 B, 2085x2339) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

what kind of coffee? I have been drinking a whole lotta black tea with rose petals that I got for relatively cheap at Polonez. My bf thinks it smells awful, like the moisturizing cream I put on at night. I'm not about to be so picky about my caffeine+Ltheanine stack though, thank you very much.
My physics test last night went surprisingly well, considering how nervous I was about it.
It's a good week, unusually so.

>> No.9852  
File: 1570057071267.jpg -(4181634 B, 4032x3024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Howler shooting range meetup when

>> No.9853  
File: 1570071065394.png -(51591 B, 398x351) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

are there many bemani fans here? i've yet to meet anyone else who is into those games, but then again it isn't like i've really been looking.

>> No.9854  
File: 1570073728701.jpg -(457722 B, 2923x3941) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I play DDR (Extreme) every once-in-a-while; I'm hooked on IIDX and Dancerush Stardom atm, there's a R1 in Greensboro that has both.
Do you play rhythm games?

>> No.9855  
File: 1570074471807.jpg -(4647524 B, 3024x4032) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

catch me out there pingin

>> No.9856  
File: 1570077299828.png -(290703 B, 600x365) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

yeah i play rhythm games, mostly just keyboard games on pc, though. i have ghetto diy iidx and sdvx controllers that i've used to play simulators and arcade data, but that's pretty much it for arcade games. never played any dance games either but i'd probably try them if i ever got the chance. haven't gotten around to going to greensboro r1 yet either since i don't know anyone to go with and i would feel weird going by myself.

>> No.9859  

I'm down most days assuming my schedule permits.

>> No.9871  
File: 1570222084679.jpg -(846594 B, 1728x2048) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

let's play IIDX together! there is a controller w/ the PS2 game in my apt. if you wanna come over
otherwise we could just hit the R1 some weekend

>> No.9876  
File: 1570328866906.jpg -(137266 B, 1030x579) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Yeah that sounds like fun! I'd be down to hang out or go to R1 whenever. It's been a while since I've practiced with a controller and I've never played the console versions so I'll be pretty rusty but I'm always down to meet another bemani fan. Do you just play on PS2 when you aren't at an arcade or do you play LR2 as well?

>> No.9880  
File: 1570394907312.png -(686588 B, 1000x1419) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I don't have a controller other than the PS2 one to practice on; tbh I play more DDR / Dancerush than anything
hit me on disc or something: prettyboy-yumi#7626
I'd rather go to the R1 than play on my bootleg PS2 setup though!

>> No.9983  
File: 1571332457395.png -(1691991 B, 1379x2352) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

meet me at the howlerween party mysterious Bemani person

>> No.9989  


>> No.10162  


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