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File: 1568864653928.png -(525110 B, 720x871) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
525110 No.9777  
>cute girl in one of my classes
>she even goes out of her way to talk to me I don't even have to initiate
>want to some moves and ask her out
>remember I'm an autistic retard who can barely talk to people let alone sustain a relationship
>remember that I fail at every friendship I try to make any deeper than surface level
>give up

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

>> No.9781  
File: 1569015149455.png -(218688 B, 541x320) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

If you can't do it this time, try to improve so you can next time. I won't do you the disservice of guaranteeing you can do it without really knowing or understanding your personal situation, but I will say that if you think you can't do it try to figure out why. Shore up whatever personal weakness keeps you from that which you desire, stay out there, and be ready for your next opportunity. You say that you can't sustain relationships etc, but what's the reason for that? You don't need to literally Freud yerself, but you can build those emotional skills.
A time-honored pastime of STEM-lords is denying the existence/importance of emotional intelligence (and subsequently not understanding why people don't find them unusually pleasant), but it literally exists and you can literally improve it.

We are not still here just to suffer, we are still here so we can give it another shot. Godspeed, anon, and I hope to see you at the parties.

>> No.9786  

Dont overthink it.
Ask with confidence, setting a specific time and place, i.e.

>Hey do you wanna get cake at the French bakery Saturday afternoon, about 2?


>I'd really like to take you to the NCMA on Friday, are you free at 4?

She probably likes you, dumbass-kun. Just act the same as always.

>> No.9790  

You must destroy yourself if you wish to progress

>> No.9792  

Just do it
shoot your shot

all that other encouraging normie shit

>> No.9821  

I know you're reading my posts and I know why you asked me that question today and I know that you were lying to me.

>> No.9822  

I find it exceptionally difficult to quantify and explain my amusement at this post. I can say only that my amusement is great and that I enjoy imagining how this post then continues the interaction with the ever-present You

>> No.9824  
File: 1569858380532.jpg -(38147 B, 640x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

What do you mean?

>> No.9826  
File: 1569864591424.jpg -(53015 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

yo literally what is going on here

>> No.9829  
File: 1569869247827.jpg -(1206751 B, 3024x4032) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I (OP) have a very strong suspicion that someone I know read the OP post and figured out it was me. The post you replied to was meant to spook them if I'm right and they were still looking at my gay ass thread.

>> No.9833  

The beautiful concept of someone trying to covertly call out their friend/acquaintance IRL, failing completely in the covert part and getting re-called out. It's truly poetic. I wish only that I could observe their interaction progress further.

>> No.9836  

Don't be a kekkold, just do eet my guy

>> No.9837  
File: 1569894236529.jpg -(31269 B, 436x436) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm like the king of awkward retards. I've known her for over a year and I still struggle to talk to her. If I try and fail now, that'll just make it even harder to talk to talk to her. I don't even know if she's single rn. I don't understand how everyone can be so trigger happy about it. There's only a handful of people I can really talk to at state and I don't want to risk making things awkward with one of the few people who make me happy.

>> No.9838  


I feel, and I've felt like that about every crush I've ever had in my life. I've always regretted not going for it and I've only regretted going for it most of the time.

>> No.9839  


*I've only regretted NOT going for it most of the time.

basically doing nothing means 100% fail rate, doing something means there's at least some chance.

>> No.9840  


wait now I'm confusing myself.

just do it

>> No.9841  

just DO it
literally nothing can go wrong long term by trying
and nothing can go right short or long term by doing nothing
It took me until 23 to have my first real date. After a few more I couldn't believe I went so long without trying.

>> No.9842  

I'm behind you 100% sempai
Just do what >>9786 suggests

>> No.9843  


>I don't want to risk making things awkward with one of the few people who make me happy

GOD literally this has happened to me like 3 times—I've cucked myself like this and lived with regrets for so long (one girl even confessing that she HAD feelings for me but lost them, basically because I didn't shoot my shot)

Would you really trade in your life's happiness because of fear?? Your 80 year old dead virgin self would gladly travel back in time and punch you in the dick repeatedly until you literally fucking die.

If I find out who you are, hell I might do the same.

>> No.9844  
File: 1569903097887.gif -(134402 B, 480x608) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Why must you relegate yourself to the fate of a coward. What do you feel you have to lose by doing this? Is the happiness you gather from her acquaintance truly greater than the turmoil you undergo wishing for something more? Reflect on this and understand the only hurdle before you is a minuscule task of willpower. And what's more, what leads you to believe your feelings will not be reciprocated? What do you base this speculation on? Is it reality? Or pessimism, or cowardice?

It's simple, take her somewhere and enjoy eachother's presence. Read the air, make a move, maybe don't, I don't give a fuck, the only person who does is you. They've obviously made some sort of emotional investment in you, now it's your turn to return the favor.

More importantly, do not fear failure. You've made friends thus far, you can make more. That's what this garbage fucking website is for. Seize control of your life and never let go of it. The moment you do is the moment you reach this low again.

>> No.9847  

If you don't make a move in time for us all to toast your success/growth at Howlerween, I'll be super sad. I'll raise my 40 in your honor and drink heartily, but give me the chance

>> No.9857  
File: 1570105464853.png -(702960 B, 1200x675) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

We can do this the easy way or the hard way. The choice is yours.

>> No.9858  
File: 1570111147105.png -(130373 B, 461x254) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>implying there ever was an easy way
>> No.9862  
File: 1570151879243.png -(91511 B, 225x225) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I'm not making any moves until I at least know if she's single. I have a friend I can ask but I'm so fucking scared to. I can't fucking do anything right.

>> No.9864  
File: 1570194214060.png -(915021 B, 636x900) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.



I'm literally autistic. Who hurt you? Did your parents beat you as a kid? What the fuck is your problem guy. You could have had it all, this girl who probably fucking likes you (as your average girl isn't going to go out of her way to talk to you if she doesn't like you—at least like you enough to not make it weird if she doesn't like you, which she does 95% btw) and you could have had weeb friends on the internet.

Instead you chose neither because you would rather be a scared little worm in the damp darkness or the dirt than risk crawling out and seeing the morning sunshine for fear that you'll sizzle on the pavement or a bird may teach you to fly.
Literally fuck off.

>> No.9865  
File: 1570196065084.png -(2515352 B, 1600x1238) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey guys I talked to my friend who also knows her and I feel a lot better now and a lot more confident in my chances.
I'd appreciate if you stopped bumping this thread past this point.

>> No.9867  


>I'd appreciate if you stopped bumping this thread past this point.

And I'd appreciate updates so I can romcom you in my brain, but I think it's only possible for one of us to get what we want at a time and I'd choose me. If this female is browsing Howler and hasn't already told you to fuck off, it's probably cuz she's cool as fuck and waiting for you to listen to the angry man posting things like >>9864. As an aside, every day I feel as though every Howler user that ever would be has already started using, but every party there's someone I haven't met yet. This is truly the greatest time to be alive.

Also, remember that sage doesn't work, so don't even bother trying.

>> No.9868  

Never was there born a man as great as Yumi, holy shit. My only regret is that I tripped the fun filter while fucking around so no one ends up getting dumpstered.

>> No.9870  
File: 1570221931502.jpg -(222011 B, 836x459) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>If this female is browsing Howler and hasn't already told you to fuck off, it's probably cuz she's cool as fuck

I wouldn't be posting any of this if she browsed here. I'm like 99.999999% sure she doesn't browse here she's not the imageboard type at all.

>> No.9875  
File: 1570290155309.jpg -(265794 B, 616x353) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It'd be kawaii af if she did post though. You wouldn't get to be the first Howler couple, though, someone else already beat you to it.
Now go give that gal a great glob of first date and see where things go from there.

>> No.9881  

You better come to the next Howler event so we can heckle you and inhale liquor.

>> No.9882  
File: 1570410074496.jpg -(348950 B, 1067x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Okay gamers I'm almost ready to ask her out. I'm aiming to do it the Thursday after break because that's the next convenient time for me to see her.
I have until then to figure out:

>what kind of date to ask her out on, as well as when and where
>how to get a moment to talk to her privately so I have the chance to even ask
>how to not spill my spaghetti during the date

Once I get a game plan for these things I think I'm in the clear, but I'm not asking for advice now, I think these are things that I need to figure out on my own.

But anon I don't drink

>> No.9884  


>finally gonna do it
>doesn't drink

How can someone who was so cringe become so based in such a short time?

>> No.9885  

There are more among us that don't than you may believe. There are then those that don't seek/enjoy the drink but do it socially regardless.

I know you don't need advice in the hows of your meme-pointers list, but I will say this (though you may already know it): complete isolation is not necessary for the ask. Her not being in the middle of her friend group is probably a good idea, but uninvested spectators cause no harm by their presence.

Sad lurkers learn from this brave example. The only folly is inaction, Chad wasn't born asking girls out, he had to start somewhere, too. You can also take my example of asking out a cute girl you have no investment in the outcome of and don't expect it to last long, but then depart from my example and don't stay with her overlong, blinded by a first romance.

>> No.9886  
File: 1570500853495.jpg -(456080 B, 1023x1072) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>How can someone who was so cringe become so based in such a short time?

I talked to a friend about it and opened up to them. I then cycled between doing it and giving up for like two days but then all of the sudden I felt like I got a super saiyan power up and finally settled on doing it.

>complete isolation is not necessary for the ask. Her not being in the middle of her friend group is probably a good idea, but uninvested spectators cause no harm by their presence.

This may be giving away too much information, especially since I'm somewhat suspicious that one of her close friends knows that I'm OP but whatever.
I actually lied in the OP when I said she was in one of my classes, she's actually in a club I'm in. This was just a precaution because I wasn't sure if anyone from that club used Howler and at the time I was very paranoid about one of then finding out, but now I don't care so long as they don't tell her preemptively.
Anyway, the only time I really get to talk to her is during these club meetings. It's small club and everyone kinda socializes with each other and she's pretty much friends with everyone there except maybe some freshman so it's not going to very easy to get a one on one conversation going. I had the idea of stopping her on her way to her car but there's loads of possible complications with that such as:

>what if she leaves early? It'd be weird to follow her out and then come right back when I'm done asking.
>what if she's driving a friend home that night?
>what if someone else is driving her that night?

Maybe I'm overthinking it but I don't really have a reliable way to talk to her one on one. I know I said I don't really want advice but this is actually a pretty big hurdle for me right now. There's no good way to ask without her friends being nearby but I'm going to have to roll with it because it's all I've got at the moment.
There is actually one person I can contact who is pretty close friends with the girl I like, who can maybe help me create an opportunity to ask, but I don't know her that well so I'm a bit hesitant to ask for assistance. Or maybe I'm just overthinking it like usual.

>> No.9888  

Just enter a normal conversation with her. Towards the middle~end of the conversation ask her if she wants to get dinner. Even if you're with a group at some point the two of you will hold your own side conversation; this is your golden window. If you feel like her friend understands your position it might be worth requisitioning her help, but I think I'd improvise personally.

>> No.9889  

What >>9888 (checked) said. Conversation naturally flows such that subgroups form and collapse over time. Just be "cool" about it, don't be as deadly serious as if this were a marriage proposal or you wanted her to godmother your kids. Some nervousness is okay, ofc, but don't let it define the interaction.

It better not be anime club or I've got some probable bad news for you

>> No.9890  


>It better not be anime club or I've got some probable bad news for you

It's not but it's about a stone's throw away.

>> No.9891  

What bad news? That she has plenty of orbiters or that she's a lesbian?

>> No.9894  

The bad news is that anime club is almost definitely the kind to lurk here. Orbiters are whatever, asteroids still make it to earth despite the moon's vigilance. I'm assuming OP can tell when women aren't interested in men, so not that either. Besides, the greatest risk of anime club girls is fujos.

You do live dangerously, then. Yumi only knows how many lurkers we get.

Also, Yumi will deny it but this website was specifically made to help cool Howlers get waifus/husbandos. It's obvious when you think about it, but just like 9/11, people will always deny the truth.

>> No.9901  
File: 1570638373966.jpg -(125907 B, 1200x882) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

the thing about fujos is that they either evolve into cringebeasts or wind up relatively well adjusted. Just beware the high incidence of "i must be trans" slippery slope shared with AGPs, that funnily enough stems from the fujo+ "im not like the other girls" syndrome

t. had a fujo phase, survived

>> No.9904  


> girls on the internet
>> No.9911  
File: 1570684083748.gif -(2120992 B, 540x743) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey guys I feel like I'm bothering my friend too much so I'm coming back here for one last vent before I do it next week.
Just yesterday I was overflowing with confidence about this but it's starting to dwindle. She's honestly just too good for me. She's a really nice person and she's really social and she's super talented and she just altogether seems to have her life together, and then there's me, a loser who can't into social interaction, and could probably count his friends on one hand. Even if she says yes to the date I won't be able to shake the feeling that she's not actually interested and she's just trying to be nice and that I'm just wasting her time.
Don't take this as me giving up, because I'm not. I just thought venting about this would make me feel slightly better about it. I just don't know if I'm capable of making her happy in the same way that she makes me happy.

>> No.9912  

Kindhearted anon with relevant experience here, ready to use my anecdotes to quell fear and bridge understanding!

This is pretty relevant to my current relationship. The whole very social + less social thing is true in my relationship except I'm the social one! As a highly extroverted person in a relationship with an introvert, let me say this: I love her so much and she makes me incredibly happy. Different levels of sociality (not a word but I'm using it anyway) doesn't have to be a roadblock as long as you can both be emotionally healthy enough to understand what it means for you two. As long as you don't mind her hanging out with her friends when you don't feel up to it and she doesn't mind you not coming along, there doesn't have to be an issue. Integrate if you like, but if you feel forced then it's time to talk to your partner about your feelings on the matter (you do talk about your feelings, don't you, anon?).

With that said, let me move to another point: growth mindset, baby! Like >>9781 said but in a way that doesn't tell you to give up on this girl, you can be in a relationship with her and become more social if that's something that you want. Getting a gf isn't the top of the mountain, you mustn't rest on these laurels. For your mutual happiness longterm (together or otherwise), you have to both still be growing. College is a big growth period, so definitely don't limit yourself in that regard (honestly you should keep growing after college, too, but that's another rant). Get the girl, keep developing, develop together and either
A) Grow stronger! As you continue your emotional development, you two may become an even more powerful power couple, complementing each other in ways few thought possible. DO NOT tether your growth to hers (and vice versa), though, as that is extremely unhealthy and after an inevitable break-up, you'll suddenly realize how much you were holding yourself down (this is experience talking again, so don't make my mistakes).
B) Grow apart. If this happens, it wasn't meant to be forever and that's fine. Hopefully you both got something out of it, whether that's good times, a better appreciation of what you want, or anything else. Don't fear the growing apart. It may be hard, but it's much better than forcing yourself to grow the same way.

It's not often that I get to give relationship advice because 1) nobody ever asks me, 2) few of my friends need it in the first place, and 3) fewer still know they need it. People only seem to ask for advice/input while courting and my friends don't court much. The point of this bit is just to say "Sorry if I've written a big ol' blogpost, but I feel like I know some things that I never get to tell anyone".

Now, as the Japanese say, Gunbutter!

>> No.9914  
File: 1570741243567.jpg -(91072 B, 1440x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

best of luck!

>> No.9945  
File: 1571095385644.gif -(33495 B, 598x450) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

It's strange, even when I first decided I was going to do it, I was so pessimistic about it, and I was terrified about actually going through with it, but now I feel less nervous and more excited. I really feel like things are going to work out, and I'm looking foward to spending more time with her. My only worry now is that I only have one day free on the weekend so I'm going to have to hope that she's also free that day, but otherwise I'm feeling really good about this partly thanks to this thread. Thursday can't come soon enough.

>> No.9949  

Getting out of your own head is always very important in such scenarios. Catastrophic thinking and subsequent spiraling is a common tendency when trying to navigate the romantic sea. I'll be waiting with bated breath for news come Friday.

Howler parties definitely make a good second date (or third, the actual day hasn't been announced yet). At least three (3) Howlers have gotten a partner around a Howler event, so clearly they're pretty romantic.

>> No.9975  
File: 1571313418688.png -(1616001 B, 1500x1224) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well lads, today is the day. I'm getting paranoid that my current approach is wrong but it's too late for a drastic change of plans now. I've just got to feel for a good opportunity to get a one on one conversation going and ask her if she'd like to go to lunch this weekend, that should be good. If I haven't posted by like 11 tonight assume it didn't work out.

>> No.9976  
File: 1571315020910.png -(876293 B, 736x672) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Well anons today is the day. I'm kinda paranoid that my whole approach is wrong but it's too late for a drastic change of plans now. I've just gotta find a good opportunity to talk to her one on one and ask her if she'd like to go out to lunch with me this weekend. That should be good, right? If I dont post anything by 11 tonight it probably didn't go well.

>> No.9977  

oops sorry for doublepost howler was being weird on my end so I thought it didn't go through. I would delete one but I have no clue what pw I used ¯\(ツ)/¯.

>> No.9978  

loll; I've never tried to delete a post but I think the password is auto-gen'd like on XChan so you should be able to just select and press "Delete" at the bottom of the page

anyway I look forward to hearing from you anon!

>> No.9987  
File: 1571341048166.png -(315580 B, 704x396) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Citizens of Earth, lend him your strength!


>> No.9991  
File: 1571352399967.jpg -(568971 B, 1765x1300) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

One last post to quell nervousness before I see her. I'll see you on the other side anons, and then this attention whore thread can come to a close.

>> No.9992  
File: 1571353849232.jpg -(288258 B, 560x560) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fuck fuck the second I see her all my composure and confidence goes out the window fuck fuck quick call me a pussy to pressure me into doing it.

>> No.9993  
File: 1571356286153.jpg -(89469 B, 500x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

FuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuckFuckfuckfuckfuck AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

>> No.9994  


>> No.9995  
File: 1571362529565.png -(133521 B, 514x548) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I will find you, steal your girl, and give you a wedgie.

>> No.9996  
File: 1571363751759.jpg -(106701 B, 559x369) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Thanks for briefly allowing me the delusion of thinking that it would finally work out for me. It was fun while it lasted.

>> No.9997  

The only reason it didn't is because you didn't allow it to. I often say with some irony that we ruin our own lives, but here it applies with sincerity. The only thing which traps you in limbo is your own folly, your own fear. That which only fears can scarcely desire and never will realize those desires. Free yourself from the fear of inexperience or you will always be its slave. You hold the key yet you remain in shackles, there is only place to lay blame.

This is not the story of Icarus, but a dark mirror. A tragedy of a different sort where a man fears leaving the ground so much that he eventually lies beneath the earth never even having raised his face to the sun.

But no words of admonishment or encouragement can change this. It's a matter of actualizing the self, there is no outsider that can sway the inner court. I hope that you will some day remove the shackles, but there is nothing I can do for you but remind you the key is in your hand.

>> No.9999  
File: 1571366114349.gif -(3891487 B, 444x250) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Fuck all of you I want the quads

>> No.10000  
File: 1571366341092.jpg -(151127 B, 680x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

So now does it just loop back to 1/0 or do we get a higher digit?

>> No.10001  


> How do GETs work

but do you deserve the GET, anon?

>> No.10002  
File: 1571368687761.jpg -(64790 B, 724x564) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Bro you've just gotta become a perfect person and overcome every obstacle that ever comes your way with 100% confidence and you have to do all this while you have no friends and all you do is school work that is also it's own provider of immeasurable stress dude and you had to drop every single one of your hobbies just to get ahead in school and it still is never enough it's all in your head bro just like be a better person or something it's your fault that you have no friends bro.
Hey faggot! I think your analogy is fucking gay!
Of course I don't deserve the gets anon, in fact I don't deserve to be happy at all!

>> No.10004  

Are you fucking joking?
Do you think your struggle is unique?

>Bro you've just gotta become a perfect person and overcome every obstacle that ever comes your way with 100% confidence...

No you dumb motherfucker the point is that as long as you pigeonhole your self into this mindset you will never find the capacity to grow as a person and will instead continue to do nothing but go to school and play the same 3 video games like a fucking potted plant. Of fucking course balancing all this shit is difficult.
Did you think you were the first person to reach such a conclusion?
Do you think she isn't shouldering a similar burden?
Do you think anyone around you isn't?

I'm out of advice for you anon. Everything has aligned in your favor except your own willpower. The only way forward is to shed your /r9k/-lite scooby-doo mask and just fucking do it.

Regardless, you better come to Howlerween so I can give you a noogie and beat you in some shitty fighting game.

>> No.10005  
File: 1571371248890.jpg -(101612 B, 600x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>be me, a gajillion years younger
>burn out on the drugs
>work and go to school
>drop out
>"Oh wait maybe I'm just wasting my time on the internet and procrastinating like a bitch"
>literally give half of one single fuck
>take full time classes
>still play teh vidya, watch wrestlmania with muh boys
>still find time to read dostoevsky, kierkegaard, nietzsche, &c. and work part time
>temporary incel, w/e at least there's exhentai
>make friends by not being a pussy and talking to people
>look like an idiot a couple times w/e
>no confidence, just stubbornness and the 'tism
>get fit
>work internships
>get 4 year degree in 6 years
>now a blog-posting dumbass literally talking with a no-nuts npc
  1. you're a dumbass
  2. you're wrong
  3. what >>10004 said
  4. eat shit
  5. get off howler

oh btw

>WAAH I don't have time for hobbies
>literally participating in school clubs
>bet you crank it an hour each day
>bet you scroll on your damn fun any time you have 2 seconds free

This girl wouldn't love you because she's likely heterosexual, and, as you have no balls, she could never be attracted to you, EVEN THOUGH SHE PROBABLY WAS YOU DIPSHIT


>> No.10007  

congrats anon, you get one more (You) because not only you're pathetic, you're also an attention whore.
Grow a spine and stop bitching at the people who are giving you sound advice.

>> No.10009  
File: 1571372358188.jpg -(190322 B, 711x370) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>No you dumb motherfucker the point is that as long as you pigeonhole your self into this mindset you will never find the capacity to grow as a person

Why do I have to be some sort of fucking saint? Everyone I know costs along on bullshit and lies and then they get served happiness on a silver platter. Out of the dozens of people I known why am I the one who has to sacrifice everything for the smallest glimmer of happiness.

>and will instead continue to do nothing but go to school and play the same 3 video games like a fucking potted plant. Of fucking course balancing all this shit is difficult.

How the hell am I supposed to do anything else but school? I used to be a drummer but I had to give that up for more time for schoolwork, I haven't touched a drum in like two years now. I don't have time for video games so it's funny that that's what you assume I spend my time on. I used to really like cosplay but it's not like I have time for that anymore lol, I was shit at it anyway. Recently I've even had to cut out sleep just to get my work done. What am supposed to do just fail? Just destroy everything I've been working towards my whole life? I don't like living like this but what other choice do I have. I know it makes me a loser with no life but this is all I know how to do.

>I'm out of advice for you anon. Everything has aligned in your favor except your own willpower.

That's not true anon, even when I did have the willpower I still had a 100% rejection rate.

>Do you think she isn't shouldering a similar burden?

I literally know 100% for a fact that she isnt
Regardless, you better come to Howlerween so I can give you a noogie and beat you in some shitty fighting game.
No, it's done, I'm done.

>congrats anon, you get one more (You) because not only you're pathetic, you're also an attention whore.

I know! Thanks for sharing with the class!

>> No.10010  


>I still had a 100% rejection rate

Wow, both times?

>> No.10011  

Anon my attempts are in the double digits

>> No.10013  

but who cares? even the famous puas have single-digit success rates.
Speaking of which, any girl who goes out of her way to talk to you PROBABLY likes you, since women can have any male attention they want p much.
Not that it matters though, because I've tried everything I can to encourage you and so have other howlers, and you insist upon feeling miserable so I'm not gonna press it.

I used to try to help out everyone and the world:

>Shake off your hands and only use one paper towel to save on paper waste
>reducing your meat (beef) consumption is the best way to help the environment
>if we all decide to vote our conscience, a third party could when

&c. but defeatists like you will ruin the world. You'll waste time bickering on a knockoff of iichan instead of doing the insurmountable homework that undergrads apparently have now? (literally even all the howler EE, other STEM, and grad students all find time to be interesting people, yet apparently, you're double-majoring in rocket surgery and reconstructive philology).
Honestly, it's very tiresome, and I wish you could delete this shitty thread.

>> No.10014  


Anon why did you ask us for all this advice if you never planned on exercising the options we helped you discover?
We all just wanted to give you the confidence you needed to grow. I think this is a good opportunity to reflect.

Why didn't you do it?
Were you just worried about her response?

Its OK to be upset with yourself, but I feel like you're not processing this in a healthy way.
From the way you write it looks like you have a lot of other things on your mind too. Talk about it with us.

>> No.10015  
File: 1571374052218.jpg -(56697 B, 345x492) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey Yumi, this: >>10013 anon is completely right! This thread is a huge pile of garbage mostly made for faggot losers (most notably among them would be myself, OP), could you please nuke it because my brain is really small and I tried but it didn't work :(. I thank you for your time and consideration!
faggot spineless baka retard aka OP

>> No.10016  
File: 1571374346885.jpg -(42355 B, 613x531) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.10017  
File: 1571374559430.jpg -(35848 B, 342x496) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


>Anon why did you ask us for all this advice if you never planned on exercising the options we helped you discover?

I did plan on doing it because I'm a delusional retard! It was only when I saw her again that I realized that all the bullshit I put in my own head was pure delusion and not representative of reality whatsoever!!

>Why didn't you do it?
>Were you just worried about her response?

because I'm a spineless coward who's incapable of showing my true self to anyone because I know it will just drive them away. I'm objectively an awful person and I've always been like this for as long as I can remember!

>From the way you write it looks like you have a lot of other things on your mind too. Talk about it with us

of course, what else does a mindless loser attention whore like myself have to do with his time!

>> No.10018  
File: 1571374819292.png -(70474 B, 202x304) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

stop talking bad about yourself. even if the world were against you, you must always be there for yourself.

>> No.10019  
File: 1571374872638.gif -(271746 B, 300x169) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

sorry yer havin a bad time there kouhai,
not gonna press any uhhhh big advice cause there isn't any shortage of it here
however- processing your feelings is healthy, but not in this way. i hope you can give yourself time and avoid hyperfixating on perceived negatives, especially about yourself
Easier said than done i know, but that facilitates healthier and less despairing "what's next"s if you sniff my drift
everyone's experience is different, and nobody's cure is a miracle one, but everyone's lot is to decode themselves, and for some things its easier than others

>> No.10020  


>I'm objectively an awful person and I've always been like this for as long as I can remember!
>of course, what else does a mindless loser attention whore like myself have to do with his time!

Homie these things don't change if you just internalize them. To get better you have to address your shortcomings in a healthy way that isn't just "Im a loser dammmm".
That doesn't help you understand what to change. Ideally you address your thoughts carefully and come to actionable conclusions like "I shouldn't let bad thoughts snowball my mood" or "I need to be more careful about making decisions based off of my pessimism"

I still think the other howlers' original advice stands, and that you definitely have a chance with this girl, but you need to get a handle on your emotions here.

>> No.10021  
File: 1571375316760.jpg -(34546 B, 338x497) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I find it hilarious that you assume that my self-criticism isn't well founded. It's evident in this very thread. I've used all of you to leach off of for gay advice and emotional support and I've ultimately thrown you all under the bus. Not to mention that this is all really just a thinly guised front so I can act like an attention whore on the interwebs. I've literally wasted all your time! Isn't that cool!

>> No.10022  
File: 1571375623101.png -(3932749 B, 1280x1280) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

everyone needs support chief, and everyone seeks it in the ways they can manage
big plus, you dont owe it to anybody to take their advice or like, secure this chick or whatever lmao

>> No.10023  


>I've thrown YOU under the bus! Ha!

I'm not feeling any rubber on my back, dawg. I know you're trying really hard to get us to hate you right now, but that just makes me feel more for the turmoil you're feeling.

>gay advice and emotional support

This line alone shows how much you're hurting more than even the wildly self-deprecating ones. Like >>10022 said, everyone needs emotional support. Even eggy loners and introverts need emotional support. Talking about your feelings is very important, but as with all talking you need to listen, as well. I'm not asking you to automatically accept every bit of advice and every platitude that gets passed your way, but just don't automatically deny it. Think critically about it and find a way to articulate /why/ you don't like advice in a way that relies on the language of how you feel instead of the language of how you see yourself.

If you won't take the advice of the Howlers telling you to go for it, promising you'll succeed, then take the advice of the Howler who didn't (>>9781). He got it right in that if you don't think you're "worthy" (TL Note: not emotionally healthy enough), then improve yourself.

You say you don't have enough time for such important things as growth, so let me tell you the secret that actually saved too many students to count:
||Study/work with others|| When you're working alone, you're trying desperately to warp your mind around things so you can figure out how to approach it, what to do, etc. Think as a group and watch those long hours of frustration melt away. Even if you don't completely finish the work, you'll have not only made a dent but also successfully gotten the all-important social time. If you can't be your imagined mega-genius that instantly knows how to solve every problem put forth, work with others and learn from them, let them help you and try to help in return. The list of people who got out of college without every relying on the aid of another is eerily similar to the list of people who got out of college by dropping out.

I dropped my email in the Link section in case you ever wanna grab a sandwich and talk about life or whatever. I'll try to check it more frequently than I do now.

>> No.10025  
File: 1571408797768.png -(227142 B, 600x564) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Happy one month anniversary of being unable to say "Wanna get lunch some time?" to someone who most likely actively wants to get lunch with you!

Honestly though, anon, unless I've misread this thread over the past month of lurking, you've still got plenty of time. Where exactly did the confident little boy who was able to get those "double digit" attempts go? Maybe look back to your past rather than over analyzing your present to the point where you had to make 6 posts just to hype yourself up to say hello to someone. Channel your >>9945 energy once more. One failure means nothing, and if she is being as friendly to you as I'm imagining, she won't stop being friends with you if she doesn't want to go out. Even if you don't want it, we're all gonna stick around and keep bugging you, if not to help you get the girl you want, but to help you get the you you want.

Just rember, anon, this thread will live in the Howler archives forever, do you want it to end like this?

>> No.10028  
File: 1571425329305.png -(90647 B, 400x240) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Mfw someone complains about a situation they find themselves in but which they caused and perpetuate through emotional immaturity. Most every Howler posting here has made it past this. You can't rely on her to solve your emotional issues, you have to Awaken first. In my senior year of HS I woke the fuck up, stopped being a beta orbiter, stopped viewing myself as a trash human, and asked out a girl I had no investment in just so I could get over the fucking hump of being too chicken-shit to ask a girl out. I couldn't tell you what caused that awakening, but I can tell you that my life before that point is a haze. Get out and get valued by humans that have no sexual interest in you and vice versa, then you may understand you're not this "terrible person" you claim to be. Are you mean to kind people for no reason? Do you go out of your way to make life slightly worse for others just because it gives you a little joy? No? Being the average 4chan user convinces you that you're a terrible person and will never fit in to society, but that's an illusion. You're not evil, those things that you dislike about yourself aren't as uncommon as you believe, and the only thing holding you back is maturity. You're not a serial killer and you're not a politician, you're just a human that has trouble with other humans sometimes in ways that practice improves.

I don't know how, but you need to wake up. No more /r9k/, no more /pol/, no more brain-poisoning multi-layered irony that keeps you away from your own feelings and those of others.

>> No.10029  



what other howler plays smt?? literally how?

>smt4 was pretty meh tho tbh.
>> No.10051  
File: 1571695735911.jpg -(489970 B, 1066x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Hey guys, I didn't want to shit up this imageboard anymore but I figured I owed you an explanation. I just had too many conflicting emotions and it didn't really feel right. She was one of the first people to talk to me when I came here to state and because of that I've kinda clung to her emotionally and I don't think that was really healthy. When I'm around her it's clear that to me she's just a good friend who likes some of the same video games as me and shares some other hobbies with me, but I've always had a strong desire for a relationship and I think that has always pushed me to ask out girls I would've just seen as friends otherwise. Every other time I've planned on asking out a girl I've at least tried, this is the first time I've ever really given up. I think it's because this time I realized how fake it all was. I want so bad to love someone that I delude myself into thinking I'm in love with every girl who is somewhat nice to me but this time I want to put an end to it.
Maybe you think I'm retarded, maybe this whole post degenerated into an incoherent stream of consciousness, I don't really care. I still think this thread was a good thing, as I probably wouldn't have openen up to one of my friends as much as I did without this thread, and I think all the advice I was given was sound even though I don't have any intention of using it in the near future. I'm not sad or depressed or mad at myself for not doing it I've actually felt really good these past few days. I'm sorry to any anons who were looking foward to me asking her out, but this is just how things are. It wasn't a lack of confidence, or being nervous, or anything like that that stopped me in the end, it was just seeing her again, I realized that I didn't really feel anything special for her at all, I didn't love her like I thought I did I just loved the idea of an "ideal relationship" that I made up in my head.
Maybe this post will just come off as an excuse, but I guess there's no avoiding that.

>> No.10052  
File: 1571697461224.png -(485852 B, 633x572) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

You've awakened at last. I'm proud of your growth, OP. Hope to see you at the party.

>> No.10053  
File: 1571768973995.jpg -(66833 B, 400x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Asshole-san, or Ki-sama if you will here.
Why didn't you just say so. I've been there before. I mean, often you have to go out for a date or two to see if you like these people (yeah, anon, people go on dates to feel things out). But if you got to know each other well enough in your day-to-day, congrazie.

>> No.10054  
File: 1571801395431.png -(164574 B, 259x384) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


a howler of good taste, i see

>> No.10062  


>You've awakened at last.

This makes it seem like I've got it all figured out now which couldn't be further from the truth. I'm still really conflicted about the whole thing.

>Why didn't you just say so.

Well the thing is that it was always at the back of my mind but I hadn't seen her in a while so delusion was able to get the better of me. It was only when I talked to her again that the truth became once again apparent to me.

>I mean, often you have to go out for a date or two to see if you like these people (yeah, anon, people go on dates to feel things out). But if you got to know each other well enough in your day-to-day, congrazie.

I've said this in an earlier post but I've actually know her for quite a while now. The really pathetic thing is that despite knowing each other for over a year we barely know each other that well at all. Which is my own faul for being so bad at opening up to people.

>> No.10065  

you'll be okay, anon. I'm really glad that you managed to introspect enough to understand yourself a little better.
Friendship is a difficult thing to deal with, both in terms of establishment as well as maintenance. It doesn't help that we're always stressed out, worrying about mundane bullshit that honestly doesn't hold a candle to the eminence of human rapport. Mix in a predisposition to anxiety and things get complicated very fast.
That said, friendship is an approximate function of how much time you spend together, simple(ish) as that.

>> No.10072  
File: 1572011471563.png -(449047 B, 368x550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Awakening doesn't mean that suddenly everything is figured out and fine, it just means that now you can start to figure things out. You've started to see clearly so now you can find your way. Happy trails!

>> No.10085  
File: 1572213154523.png -(258534 B, 670x570) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

I know everyone is tired of hearing my shit but I wanted to vent a little more. I know that in >>10051 I suggested that I was over the whole thing and that not asking her out was the better option for me but I'm not really sure how much of that is really how I feel. I was able to use that rationale to justify to myself why I didn't do it for a while but over the past few days I've just felt awful about it. I haven't even been able to really talk to her in weeks, in the OP I said that she often approaches me to talk with me which is part of the reason I started to like her in the first place but the truth is that she hasn't been doing that recently at all. When I was a freshman I joined her club just because I hadn't made any friends at state yet and it was something that I used to like a lot so I figured I could get back into it and maybe make some friends. She was one of the first people who actually approached me and she said so many nice things to me that probably seemed trivial to her but they all meant so much to me and I would always pass her on the way to class and she would always say hi and sometimes stop to talk with me a bit. But recently she hasn't been approaching me at all and it's been hard to approach her because she's almost always talking to other people for the entire duration of club meetings now which is the only chance I see her plus she seems way happier when talking to anyone else but me so I don't] want to waste her time. I had basically as close to a perfect chance as I'll ever get last night because the club had a halloween party and I could've easily asked her outside after the party but the thought didn't even cross my mind until it was already too late. I'm so mad at myself for wasting so much time, especially since she's a senior so she'll probably just graduate and forget I exist. I already know she's going to be away this week so I won't be able to see her until club meeting next week which I hate because I just want to see her and I've been wanting to talk but it's been several weeks since I've had and actual conversation with her and I hate it so much and I hate that I hate that even when I do get a chance to talk to her I always end up saying something stupid or weird that I end up hating myself for later which is probably part of the reason that she doesn't approach me anymore.
I'm sorry that I shit up your board with my garbage.

>> No.10104  

Anon, you've clearly freighted your relationship with this girl with more importance than you've communicated to her. I think you ought to say something to her, not for the sake of asking her out or expecting anything from her, but for yourself.

Tell her that her reaching out to you when you first joined meant a lot to you and made you feel like a part of the club and the university. It doesn't really matter what she says back. In the worst case, she'll be surprised that you're being so open and honest, and she might not know what to say.

Again, do it for yourself. I know insecurity is a barrier for you, and that's all the more reason to practice expressing yourself with someone you feel safe with.

>> No.10106  
File: 1572569848433.jpg -(599204 B, 2200x2000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Okay I'm doing it but for realzies this time. I'm not going to necessarily do it next time I see her which is a week from today but I will be feeling around for a good opportunity every week when I see her going foward. It's really hard to get an opportunity since club meetings are my only chance and she's also the president of the club and I don't want to embarrass her or myself in front of everyone.
I actually read this right before I saw her today. I was bummed out this week because I though she was going to be away but I was actually wrong and she was there today. I've actually really been wanting to open up to her like that for a while and I'm really going to try to do it if I get the chance. I would've done it today but I was talking to her before the meeting so and we were the only ones talking in the entire room so it would've obviously been awkward if I just announced that to the whole room and we all left early to not get caught up in the rain so I didn't have much of a chance after. When I talked to her today she was smiling the whole time and nobody else I talk to smiles at me like that.

>> No.10107  
File: 1572571590077.png -(1151566 B, 600x1323) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Stop bumping this. everyone else has lost interest in your melodramatic shenanigans.

Read some Proust and have a wank.

>> No.10109  

If you don't want me to post then stop replying. I will stop posting as soon as people stop replying.

>> No.10111  

I tried to but some other asshole replied to your shitty thread.

>> No.10123  


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