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File: 1491456382520.png -(823531 B, 1010x839) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
823531 No.733  
This is a thread for features that will be here soon enough
>> No.734  
File: 1491456429357.jpg -(262521 B, 1280x1824) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1. Cross-referencing boards
Things like >>>/swt/ or >>>/ncsu/
okay it does not work yet
2. Move thread button in the mod panel
3. #fortune

On a side-note announcements are fully implemented and part of our mainline!
>> No.847  
File: 1491579612596.jpg -(97193 B, 574x695) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1.) Making the Youtube API actually fucking work on non-chrome/windows browsers

2.) Proper WebM playback controls that dont break new-tab links.
>> No.2030  
File: 1492367295569.png -(652690 B, 640x960) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1. Implemented
2. Present but broken
3. #fortune
4. Announcements were implemented several builds ago but I just got around to making this post
5. Global word improver works w/o bugs
(It would be cool if I could make it obvious that a word was improved)
6. Added an ncsu CSS
whoops this should go in a new post oh well
7. Hacked in a math parser
`sum_(k=1)^n k = 1+2+ cdots +n=(n(n+1))/2`

`int_0^1 x^2 dx`

8. Rewrote the rules page to be more beginner friendly
probably the most beginner-friendly board
9. #future
and improved #8ball
10. >>>/senzai/ and >>>/divinity/
>> No.2031  
File: 1492368179572.jpg -(492452 B, 800x1342) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
features that will be here soon enough
1. Ban button that triggers the "(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)" text
I already have it set so that a simple flag on the post does this but I need that damn button to set the flag
2. Move thread button that works
but these are really on the backburner because I can do it by hand when the need arises

The important thing right now is
0. Real-time math parser
>> No.3223  
>> No.3372  
File: 1494135788561.jpg -(2282384 B, 2111x2941) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
summer FUN mode is now engaged on /ncsu/!

you'll also notice that you can now edit up to 6 (SIX) words in your post: thanks admin!

as our processing power increases, you will be able to edit more words in your post. Hooray!
>> No.3469  
File: 1494739777182.jpg -(666800 B, 540x756) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wow! I added a new css theme "cs" based on the ncsu counter-strike server
>> No.3637  
File: 1495721089769.jpg -(612581 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
https://bigmike.sne.jp/mail is now very fast and open to anyone with a bath-house club membership!

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