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File: 1490198227997.jpg -(2480686 B, 3024x4032) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2480686 No.195  
hey boys!!
first post here on the waterman, so i'll introduce myself : )
all the boys down at the bait shop call me Pudd

now, down to buisines!
can anyone tell me who this carcass is?
the Bait Shop Boys can't tell me a thing!!
neither can my Smart Son!! (he will do much greater things than his bojangles manager father lol : ) )

the carcass materialized before me down by the old sauce spot by the bay
woo wee did it did stink!!!
bout as long across as a weinie dog!!
woulda been a fine catch had it been livin

thanks for the help watermen!!
go 'heels!! : )
>> No.196  
File: 1490198862632.jpg -(7085 B, 128x128) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
anyone who can tell me what it is,
drop by the bojangels in Scruntington and i'll give you a sausage biscuit on the house! !
>> No.198  
File: 1490208325618.png -(540241 B, 829x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
[spoiler]is this the official channel for nc waterman rp?[/spoiler]

Some one has stolen my offshore tackle Tiagras and TLDs
.Broke in House to steal please let me know if any of you guys hear of some one trying to sell 5 TLD 50 or 2 Tiagra 50 and 1 80 in Beaufort or Morehead area

The fish ain't that smart 25 sea pro wa twin 140's "Done Pickin" 19 carolina skiff "Knee Deep"
>> No.201  
[spoiler]oh absolutely

a point of contention between myself and the Bait Shop Boys:

>> No.202  
File: 1490210494976.jpg -(1743067 B, 1778x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
a point of contention between me and the Bait Shop Boys:

what is the best crabbin meat??
>> No.293  
shoulda shot em

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