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File: 1532677134515.jpg -(58409 B, 525x429) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
58409 No.7318  
Hi /friends/,
Before we start classes again I want to hang out with you all, new friends and old friends! Maybe we could shoot the breeze and drink Bud Light lime or whatever it is you kids are into these days.
It'd be in mid-August or close to it, definitely before the first day of classes on the [spoiler]22nd[/spoiler]

Let me know, anon!
>> No.7320  
File: 1533263306490.png -(461282 B, 628x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yes pleeps
>> No.7323  
Does saturday (18th) at 5pm work for you guys?
>> No.7324  
File: 1534259532655.jpg -(514053 B, 1080x1920) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Yes this sounds nice.
We could maybe all do something fun like get Cookout, especially if we hold it at 5PM like
suggested. I think Saturday at 5PM is a good idea.

We should all meet inside the big mistake that is the Talley Student Union (in that big atrium part with the wolf-carving thing at 5PM that day. I'll be ready to eat so it's either something like DP Doughs or similar.
Then we can do the milk-run; depending on how many people there are we can see what to do from there!
>> No.7325  
File: 1534259771741.jpg -(165433 B, 1200x849) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.7326  
File: 1534268208372.png -(379149 B, 500x447) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
yes to all
>> No.7329  
File: 1534595958000.jpg -(1390781 B, 2120x3000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.7330  
Today at 5PM. Meeting in the Talley Student Union atrium with the big carved wolf!
>> No.7331  
File: 1534627250964.jpg -(84392 B, 575x800) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Here! Sitting under the stairs.
We'll leave in ~10 minutes
Change of plans, we're going to Cookout!

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