Hello everyone, welcome to /filo/, the board for both big and small questions. Do not hesitate to take a part in our discourse!Some guidelines:- Keep discourse civil and open--- this does not mean you cannot call something "complete bullshit", but just remember to keep an ounce of politeness around- Non-content is not welcome--- this is not your dad's imageboard- Take time to read and consider before posting, because we'd rather not watch you form your opinions in real-timeIn short, I hope that you all enjoy /filo/! If there's something you'd like to discuss or field, make a thread for it!
Is Ayn Rand politics or philosophy?
>>4067both>>4069the rule is very broard but it's purpose is solely to prevent conversation from degrading into unintelligible [spoiler]pepe posting[/spoiler]so yes it does applyjust take drive a Rand conversation like you'd steer a discourse on Hobbes and I'm sure you won't get flamed or laughed at
>>4068Then does the political posting rule apply?
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