What is your favorite font?I'm partial to blocky things like bitmapped fonts, and straight lines like the ones in the OP image
i like bitmapped fonts too!but i have a real soft spot for 70s-esque fonts that go hog fucking wild with serifs and ornamentationthe readability's ass, but its charming to me for a lot of reasons
Ubuntu, Ubuntu Mono, Ubuntu CondensedSans Serif fonts are pretty solid, great for reading long texts. I don't have personal favourite there.Pic semi-related. Look for Invitation suggestion, not handwritten, but not fancy either. This is the best font ever.
DragonQuestFC font is nicehttp://ifs.nog.cc/slime4.hp.infoseek.co.jp/font/font.htmlhiragana, katakana and a few numbers only
comic sans would not be so bad if it didn't have a know your meme page
>>3824It's great especially for this reason, because it's a meme.If used properly, it can allow you to achieve nice design.The problem are people who use it improperly.Outside of memetic value, it's not that awesome, but still isn't horrible.
NC State has a nice fontToo bad it's behind a paywall [spoiler]unless you look hard enough![/spoiler]
>>3932 how hard do i has to look?
>>3947google site:github.com "univers" and this comes uphttps://github.com/boom-den-haag/referendum/tree/master/app/assets/fonts/Universwhich is the same font we usehttps://brand.ncsu.edu/typography/"NC State’s primary typeface is Univers. Univers is a broad family, and University Communications has obtained site licenses for many of the faces within the font family."It's a very clean font and I like it a lot
L..... licensing a font...how about licensing a color too? and a shape?
>>4001the colors aren't licensed [spoiler]yet[/spoiler] but they're brandedhttps://brand.ncsu.edu/color/
wolfpack black and wolfpack white are just hex codes 000000 and FFFFFFhow about going in microsoft paint, using the bucket tool, filling the canvas, send to a museum, ????, profit
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