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3570298 No.3601  
What is your favorite time of day?
I love the morning, I love the sunrise. I love eating breakfast I love watching アニメ and being blinded by the sun when it finally peeks over the trees, I love when I shower and have all the time in the world. I love waking up early even when I have work to do, I love waking up early when I have work to do.

And you, what is your favorite time of day?
>> No.3615  
File: 1495592341398.png -(752309 B, 1280x960) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i love the morning too
breakfast is great, it's quiet and cool, and if i'm up really early, i'm usually doing something fun and special like travelling with friends

but i also love the hours between 10 PM and daybreak because that's usually when i do creatively nourishing things, like working on art, or reading
those hours are also prime time for watchin weird movies or yukkin it up with buds

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