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87284 No.3457  
Do you know about anything absurd that has happened at ncsu?

We used to have guys that built a really big forum that was really controversial around campus
"Racially Charged Web Postings Upset N.C. State Students"
>> No.3458  
The wolf web also ran a prank against News 14 Carolina


>> No.3460  
here's the counterstrike page

it's hosted on the admin's afs space even though he graduated [spoiler] 7 [/spoiler] years ago
>> No.3462  
I once ran an nmap port-scan of the campus IP block for IRC servers (on-topic) because I was looking for somewhere to hang on the internet and I found an IRC server for OIT internal use

Of course I was really concered that I'd just wandered in here and what were the people it the room thinking so I hit that fat /names and all it gave me was "CIS-Bot" and a unity id

the unity id belonged to some guy that worked in OIT and I found out later that CSI-Bot stands for Central Services and Integration. I left pretty immediately and I came back a few times, but one month later the IRC channel was shut down. That's the closest I have been to finding something I probably wasn't supposed to be in
>> No.3501  
File: 1494976843662.jpg -(58653 B, 439x569) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Oh, and the belltower has been struck by lightning several times

>> No.3502  
File: 1494977326758.jpg -(216484 B, 550x384) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
here's a really funny one
"Although 34 alumni died in the war, the memorial plaque contains 35 names. George L. Jeffers, class of 1913, was wrongly reported killed in action and his name was included by mistake.

When the error was discovered, the university decided to alter the extra name beyond recognition. It was therefore changed to George E. Jefferson, a symbol of unknown soldiers from NC State and elsewhere."

also, as pictured there were several efforts to install real bells in the bell tower but none of them ever led to anything other than a new electrically amplified bellset

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