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File: 1490328909905.jpg -(1642742 B, 1137x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1642742 No.221  
Let's contribute to society by translating doujin material!

>> No.222  
File: 1490329125882.png -(894524 B, 1005x1317) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
I've done the tl work but I need someone to typeset (looks like >>214 is up for it but anyone can jump in and contribute a page!)

since this is non-h I'll be posting these here but if you ever want to work on something [spoiler]different[/spoiler] I'd be more than happy to help
RE: cover page, that nasty thing in the bottom right is // was put there by the artist as like a logo or something so I'd feel bad for taking it out but it's so out of place

それじゃー始めましょね!I'll be posting the first few pages with translation tonight and then the rest as I get it done. This is an effective process!
>> No.223  
File: 1490329680959.png -(3488570 B, 1137x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Page 02 (01 is the OP)
Bracketed words are optional
// seperates two phrases in a single dialogue like a line break

* Cover 1: Glittering star effect // 657 Magica
Cover 2: Magical attack // 4,800 Magica
Cover 3: (Not) Raging heart // 24,500 Magica*
Cover 4: Magical transformation // 30 minutes // 5,000 Magica
Cover 5: Background set // 7,000 Magica
Cover 6: Background music // 760 Magica
Cover 7: Sound effects // 580 Magica
Cover 8: Title splash // 3,000 Magica
Golden bottom text: "BILLS"

*TL Note Raging Heart is a reference to Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
>> No.224  
Page 02 notes
(1) Ignore that star at the beginning
(2) This TL note is really optional and only put it in if you can find a pretty way to do so
(3) It was a hotly debated point within the Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha fansubbing community of whether to translate レイジングハート as "raging heart" or "raising heart" but the release of the anime's DVDs confirmed the spelling as "Raising Heart" so this is the preferred spelling but I just made a mistake, so choose whichever you like
(4) It'd be totally kick ass if someone could replace those golden letters with a // similar golden letters that say "BILLS" but if // that's a tall order, so this is optional
>> No.225  
File: 1490331104277.png -(1331217 B, 1130x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Page 03
Top right: Thank you, Azusa
Top left: . . . for taking care of me
1: Huh?
2: Did Ton-chan just. . . say something?
3: I did, Azusa
4: I know you can hear my voice, Azusa
5: You've got to be joking!
6: Quickly, Azusa, tell me your wish
7: Wish?
8: Turtle snacks
9: You're always doing your best for me // I want to prove my gratitude to you
10: Just tell me and I'll grant one wish of yours
11: Hmm, just one. . .
12: Well. . . go ahead!
>> No.226  
File: 1490332044990.png -(2567308 B, 2600x2687) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
This is gonna take a fuckload f time to typeset but its gonna be fun as hell.

We have to sort of eradicate them and then recreate our own text bubbles for the more "vertical" ones, I can show you how to do it in photoshop p EZ.
There's a couple of tools that make it less complicated than you'd think.

Now I finally have an excuse to own photoshop!

So is this work untranslated so far? Will we be the first to release it?
I have to find some goofy ass inkscape fonts so we can make it look pretty.
>> No.227  
Page 03 Notes
(1) Delete that ", Azusa" in (3) fuck that

BTW this is an 18 page bootleg work but the cover but only 16 need to be translated
also those first two texts on page 3 will be the hardest things to do in the whole thing because the rest is easy sailing
I'm really excited to put something out under a group name sweet tea time and I can help out with a lot of the easy stuff but I'm no gimp expert
We'll be the first as far as I can see. And if someone has done it already somewhere I can't find (already scrolled through the sadpanda and first few pages of google search) we'll be the best + TL Notes
>> No.228  
File: 1490332193580.png -(157335 B, 317x270) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
every one of these text bubbles is FUKCIN SKINNY
>> No.229  
File: 1490332311602.jpg -(78784 B, 750x914) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
hell yea boy

the challenge will be fun
>> No.230  
File: 1490332600683.jpg -(37593 B, 500x500) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
im trying my hand at eradicating as we speak
>> No.231  
If you have your copy of photoshop still I can show you the magic when I get back to school, or if I decide to boot into Windows tomorrow.
>> No.232  
File: 1490332923033.gif -(413881 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
we out here smackin on paint.net , adrenaline, and ultrashit coffee
>> No.233  
File: 1490332789354.png -(505521 B, 636x452) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Photoshop is daunting at first because its so complicated, but once you build an arsenal out of its tools, its hard to switch to other editors.
I really ought to go to bed, I'll fuck with this in the morning.
>> No.234  
File: 1490332864729.png -(754541 B, 900x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>tfw there is an english translation
6 years too late~

So, do we pick another?
Kago is off-limits

It's all PORN, ALL OF IT
Here's something that is not hentai
[spoiler]all I see is a sadpanda![/spoiler]
What is this from?
It was uploaded on // 12 days ago so there's no translation yet
lots! The text boxes don't look like they need much work so the hardest part would be the translation since that script is so weird and like the azusa one it doesn't have furigana
I'm so excited about translating it though that I'll probably push through the first few pages tonight
>> No.235  

Trawl through the bounties list on sadpanda, I imagine anything with a bounty probably isnt translated elsewhere.
If you dont have Photoshop installed, we can work it out.
>> No.236  
File: 1490333037277.jpg -(147750 B, 702x559) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
i'm down to fiddle with shop
ill have to find my {{illegal disk copy}}

aw man

LMAO fair enough
>> No.237  

I can possibly....?
Find some untranslated horror, or some really old shit
>> No.238  
File: 1490333818662.jpg -(56571 B, 416x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
these twowho clones are drinkin dag gum beeruus
>> No.239  
File: 1490333969743.jpg -(90307 B, 540x405) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

if im up i might fiddle with em

also, daily reminder that theres some miscellaneous untranslated shojo nonsense and golgo 13s to be found on hillsborough, if we're looking for the FULL scanlation experience
>> No.240  
>upload button says "way too many pixels"
img is 4330 x 6110 so if that's too big I can probably post it somewhere else
I'd absolutely be down for this
>> No.241  
File: 1490335176994.png -(828419 B, 4330x6110) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
TL Note the maximum allowed image size is 4330x6110 now
>> No.242  
File: 1490335257986.gif -(447494 B, 350x263) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
lemme kno when you wanna scan the spots
or i can solo retrieval mission 'em B))

>> No.243  
File: 1490338628456.png -(1318098 B, 1130x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
That author's handwriting is actually unreadable so I'm back to translating azusa
Had a little bit of fun with not-kyubey's line
I want to finish the translation saturday so we can focus on typesetting
I don't really mind that there already is an english translation

This is a good place to learn
>> No.244  
File: 1490339639717.png -(1978 B, 178x94) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
any of these do anything for you?
>> No.245  
File: 1490358677232.jpg -(41190 B, 704x400) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Wildwords looks pretty traditionally like what I see things typeset as but all of those would probably be good to keep around for styling. But I do like wildwords as a default
>> No.246  
File: 1490402442288.jpg -(379226 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
>> No.247  
File: 1490409739898.png -(985849 B, 1130x1600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Page 04
13: well,
14: uhh, the light music club upperclassmen,
15: they're graduating soon
16: I see. . .
17: But I ー I don't want them to leave!
18: ahh,
19: Y'know
20: Yous wish isn't quite, uh, original (*)
21: Ton-chan is from Brooklyn?
22: Oh, I see. . .
23: Yep, [completely] unoriginal
24: So Azusa, let me make a suggestion

(*) "TL Note" at the bottom
Here, Ton-chan is speaking with a kansai accent // the people from the kansai area are seen as rough and uncouth by other Japanese
>> No.248  
Page 04 Notes
(1) If someone can contribute a better brooklyn accent I would appreciate it
>> No.253  
File: 1490573360003.gif -(1589856 B, 540x289) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
{typeset boy to do typeset things as soon as he's done with tests for this week}
>> No.278  
File: 1490927774803.png -(861471 B, 1920x1080) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
Typesetting is fun!

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